How to Gain Muscle by Working Out
In the past few weeks we've got a lot of questions by gym members on how to gain muscle by working out. The questions are usually asked by younger exercisers because they're looking to add muscle size quickly. Our personal trainers are happy to answer any questions so here we go. The best way to gain muscle by exercising is to use compound movements. Compound movements are exercises that use more than one joint. A bicep curl is a single joint exercise which rarely puts on much muscle because it has very little effect on the Central Nervous System. The Central Nervous System of CNS is in charge of activating muscle building hormones. A compound movement on the other hand such as a squat or a dead-lift will have a better chance of making an impact on the CNS's capability of sending muscle building signals in the form of hormones throughout the body. Often times young exercise enthusiasts will stick to bicep curls or tricep pull-downs because they think that directly effecting the muscle they are trying to grow is the best way to gain muscle mass. On the contrary the best way to gain muscle mass is by making an impact on the Central Nervous System which helps to boost muscle building hormones such as Testosterone and Human Growth Hormone.
To give you an example of a workout that would be excellent for gaining muscle I've written an easy to follow exercise routine.
Exercise Number One: Squat
Perform 3-5 sets of the squat increasing weight every time. Aim for 6-10 repetitions with no rest between sets. Use a superset routine to maximize your time.
Exercise Number Two: Pull up
Perform 3-5 sets of the pull up changing your grip every time. Aim for as many reps as possible and superset this exercise with the squat. Change the grip you use on your pull up to include an underhand grip, overhand grip, wide grip and narrow grip.
Performing the squat and pull up right after each other will maximize the time you're spending at the gym therefore increasing the intensity of your workout. Remember when lifting weights you'll always want to wrap up your entire workout in 45 minutes. The reason you'll only want to exercise for 45 minutes is because your hormones are the highest for that period of time. You'll always want to stop your workout before cortisol starts kicking in. Cortisol is a muscle eating hormone that reacts to exercise done for more than one hour. Many marathon runners have very high cortisol levels. If you want to look like a marathon runner, skinny, sickly and stripped of their muscle size then stop reading this article.
The second two exercises in your workout routine to gain muscle size are going to be the deadlift and shoulder press. Make sure to consult a personal trainer before attempting the deadlift because it is a very dangerous exercise. Many younger fitness fans try this powerful yet dangerous exercise and hurt their back. The shoulder press should be done in a standing position, but without using your legs. After those two exercises are complete I'd always recommend doing a high intensity workout to finish things up. I'll be giving you tips and tricks about high intensity workouts in the future.
Learn More about How to Gain Muscle by Working Out.
Find out more information about How to Gain Muscle by Working Out
To give you an example of a workout that would be excellent for gaining muscle I've written an easy to follow exercise routine.
Exercise Number One: Squat
Perform 3-5 sets of the squat increasing weight every time. Aim for 6-10 repetitions with no rest between sets. Use a superset routine to maximize your time.
Exercise Number Two: Pull up
Perform 3-5 sets of the pull up changing your grip every time. Aim for as many reps as possible and superset this exercise with the squat. Change the grip you use on your pull up to include an underhand grip, overhand grip, wide grip and narrow grip.
Performing the squat and pull up right after each other will maximize the time you're spending at the gym therefore increasing the intensity of your workout. Remember when lifting weights you'll always want to wrap up your entire workout in 45 minutes. The reason you'll only want to exercise for 45 minutes is because your hormones are the highest for that period of time. You'll always want to stop your workout before cortisol starts kicking in. Cortisol is a muscle eating hormone that reacts to exercise done for more than one hour. Many marathon runners have very high cortisol levels. If you want to look like a marathon runner, skinny, sickly and stripped of their muscle size then stop reading this article.
The second two exercises in your workout routine to gain muscle size are going to be the deadlift and shoulder press. Make sure to consult a personal trainer before attempting the deadlift because it is a very dangerous exercise. Many younger fitness fans try this powerful yet dangerous exercise and hurt their back. The shoulder press should be done in a standing position, but without using your legs. After those two exercises are complete I'd always recommend doing a high intensity workout to finish things up. I'll be giving you tips and tricks about high intensity workouts in the future.
Learn More about How to Gain Muscle by Working Out.
Find out more information about How to Gain Muscle by Working Out